

刚回到沙地的第一天就遇到轻微地风沙,同事告诉我当放假的那段时期也常有这样的情况出现。在沙地,这种情况是蛮普遍的,所以每次包包里一定有三宝:口罩、雨伞与黑眼镜。但,昨天(10。03。2009) 的沙暴是有史以来我觉得最严重及最可怕的,即使三宝也救不了我呀!幸亏,当时的我已当完晚班侥幸逃过这个天灾。昨天沙暴发生时,整个地面被来势汹汹的沙暴侵襲,接着四周都一片朦胧、沙尘尘,空气顿时变成乌黑与橙色双交叉,整个人会感缺氧,像被风沙盖着那样,不能呼吸。回想这一刻,心里还是有点恐惧。所以,我常觉得马来西亚的地利是最佳的,没有地震、沙暴或台风之类的天灾。如果,大马的罪犯率可以减低,那就再好不过了。
不懂为何朋友那么快会获知关于沙地这场沙暴的消息,但还是很感谢朋友们声声问候及关心的话,不管是 msn, skype 还是 email ,字字都在担心我的安危,我真的很感动!Just want to say:I'm fine but it's really touching, thanks!

1) Kingdom mall, the tallest building in Riyadh
2) Taken at Falsaliah Mall, just opposite Kingdom Mall
3) The last photo taken after the sandstorm, very dusty and surrounding very blur


好可怕 ! 像电影里的画面

Hi Fallen Angel...
Somehow link to ur blog... look at the picture it really scary..you are correct that Malaysia is a great place that without those natural disaster.. but if the rivers and rubbish still not in control.. eventually become another human cause disaster then...

By the way.. nice personal blog.. =)


Thanks for dropping by and left the comments. Yup, i think Malaysia will be very great country if have a very great leader and politician to run our country. Unfortunately, we still need to wait for it. What we can do, just hope that it will happen soon!

It's just a very simple blog, but a way for me to express my feeling no matter in work, life or ...., and also to share good thing with friends. May be one day when i turn to be forgetful, i recall all the memory through it!

Hi Fallen Angel,
Glad to hear that u are alright. Sorry, I have been 'the frog in the well', didn't know that until I read ur blog.

I also met a colleague who works i Riyadh before. I feel ur 'feeling' there, I really do. U take care, ok?

From YY

I'm alright, but really scary, don't worry, we still can continue our chat in MSN! Or may be after u back from Malaysia after the wedding preparation. Do take care too!

Hi Fallen Angel..
You are right.. still need to wait it to become better and better.. hope the day will come.. hahah. =)

yup, let's pray hard! Tomorrow still a mystery, the future is unknown




一个失去翅膀 、迷失自己的折翼天使。。。。

